
Japan New Zealand Business Council Conference

The Japan NZ Business Council will hold its conference in Christchurch at the end of November (24-26). You might like to consider attending as a way of networking with people involved in the Japan-NZ relationship, updating yourself on employment opportunities for students who have studied Japanese, and engaging with NZ and Japanese companies trading between our countries.

The 3-day programme includes many presentations, an earthquake commemoration ceremony at the CTV building, golf, for those who play, on the first day and socialising over meals, including breakfast meetings and dinners. The conference would benefit from the presence of Japanese language educators who have a stake in the Japan-NZ relationship.

Visit to the JNZBC website if you are interested in finding out more about the programme and registration fees, etc.


Asian Studies Lecturer VUW

Applications are invited for the position of lecturer in Asian Studies with the School of Languages and Cultures, Victoria University of Wellington. This is a permanent position and commences in February 2015. The successful applicant will have a PhD in a relevant field, experience of teaching at a tertiary level and a developing research profile, which includes evidence of scholarly publications.

Disciplinary specialisation is open, as is particular country expertise within South, Southeast and Northeast Asia, but the candidate must have an ability and willingness to teach Asian Studies from broad, comparative perspectives. The successful applicant will be expected to be involved in teaching and administering of Asian Studies undergraduate and postgraduate level. Supervision of postgraduate research will also be expected.

Please see http://www.victoria.ac.nz/ (Vacancy 266) for details on application. Further information can be obtained from Dr Claudia Bernardi, Head of School, Languages and Cultures, email claudia.bernardi@vuw.ac.nz, phone +64 4 463 5646.

Applications close 17th October 2014

University news

ICC Symposium at Auckland University of Technology

The event, hosted by the School of Language and Culture at Auckland University of Technology, was supported by NZJEP (New Zealand Japan Exchange Programme), the Japan Foundation, and the AUT Faculty of Culture and Society. The keynote speaker was Professor Tony Liddicoat, Professor in Applied Linguistics from the University of South Australia. In his plenary, Professor Liddicoat explored the nature of Intercultural Language Teaching and some of the core assumptions that lie behind adopting an intercultural perspective in language teaching and learning. His workshop the following day developed the ideas presented in the lecture, focusing on practical ways to integrate language and culture in the classroom to develop students’ intercultural understanding.

Participants also had the opportunity to join language specific workshops and hear of further professional development opportunities.

A copy of the Powerpoint slides can be sent to those interested. Please contact languages@aut.ac.nz


JANZ database

The JANZ database was just launched a year ago and has received Japan Foundation funding for its next phase. It’s quite exciting. UoA Minagawai-sensei attended a meeting about it at the recent JSAA conference in Melbourne, and she is our NZ contact person for the database. Thank-you Harumi for keeping us in the loop about this!

 It would be great if you could consider registering on the JANZ website.

 I have included some information about the database here:

 ‘The JANZ Database was launched in 2014 as an open-access, interactive directory of institutions with Japan-related programs and Japan specialists working in Australia and New Zealand within academic, business and public spheres.  This database increases public access to Japan-related expertise in Australia and New Zealand; links Japanese Studies specialists in our region and internationally; provides a resource for intending or current students; promotes the extensive body of scholarship produced in the field of Japanese Studies; and provides accurate profile data for the field for planning and resourcing purposes. In an increasingly competitive resource and funding environment we strongly believe the JANZ database can become a powerful resource for the advocacy of Japanese Studies education and research in Australia and New Zealand.

 The database homepage is https://janzdb.org/

 Please let others in your programme/department know about the database, as well as any others in your institutions who may be Japan specialists elsewhere.

University news

University of Canterbury Japanese NCEA workshop

The University of Canterbury is organising a one-day Japanese NCEA workshop for Y11-13 secondary school students in Greater Christchurch on 11 June.We are expecting over 300 students from 15 schools along with their Japanese teachers.  

The programme includes learning sessions for NCEA assessments, a keynote talk by Jonathan Hendriksen (CEO and Founder of Shuttlerock) and a Japanese drum performance by Takumi.


JSANZ Speech Contest Winners

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2016 JSANZ Tertiary Japanese Language Speech Contest.
First placeNathaniel CarterUniversity of Auckland
Second place Taylor MarstonAuckland University of Technology
Third place Anna Gan  Victoria University of Wellington

We would like to congratulate all of the participants and in particular, Nathaniel Carter, Taylor Marston and Anna Gan. Nathaniel will receive a return air ticket to Japan, and Taylor and Anna will receive Prezzy cards ($100 and $50), sponsored by the Sasakawa Fellowship Fund for Japanese Language Education and the Japan Foundation.

We hope the participants continue their Japanese learning journey with renewed motivation and enthusiasm, and wish them all the best for their future.

JSANZ would like to thank the participants, their teachers and the judges. JSANZ would also like to thank the Sasakawa Fellowship Fund for Japanese Language Education and the Japan Foundation for their generous financial support.

2016 JSANZ Tertiary Japanese Language Speech Contest

Name of the Finalist & Institution

Speech Title

Taylor Marston
Auckland University of Technology

Club Menu, Rice and Pants

Anran Yu
University of Auckland

Japan and Me

Nathaniel Carter
University of Auckland

My Journey with Japanese

Mitchell Grout
University of Waikato

My Experience in Japan

Michelle Musakwa
Massey University

My Japan Trip

Sarah Lee
Massey University

The reason why you should be in this world

Ieuan van der Peet
University of Canterbury

Future Dreams

Zoe Alexander
University of Canterbury

Different Ways of Communication


Anna Gan
Victoria University of Wellington

My Parents as Immigrants


Joshua Lee Lamb
Victoria University of Wellington

Let’s Keep on Failing!


Maya Takahashi
University of Otago


Shuichi Tanimura
University of Otago

The Importance of Stress

University news

JSAA conference and job opportunity

Call for Papers [extension]


The Call for Papers for the Biennial Conference of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia 2017, to be held at the University of Wollongong, has been extended.
NEW Deadline for submissions: 13 January 2017

For further details, please see the conference website.

Job Opportunity


La Trobe University is seeking a continuing Lecturer in Japanese Studies to develop, coordinate and teach engaging high quality and innovative learning experiences both face to face and online, to contribute to disciplinary teaching pedagogy and research.

Application deadline: 15 January 2017

For further information please see here.