University news

AUT Full Fee Scholarships

Zero Fees Scholarships for one year masters in language teaching

AUT’s Master of Professional Language Studies in Language Teaching is a one year full time course (part time is possible too) for language teachers.

For 2018, AUT is offering zero fees for new domestic full time students on this programme for one year or 1.5 years, part time. More on the scholarships can be found at Zero Fees Scholarships

The Master of Professional Language Studies offers graduates the opportunity to develop advanced professional skills in teaching an additional language, such as Japanese. The degree is for teachers who have a preliminary qualification and experience in language teaching.

If you would like to learn more about the course, you can click the links above or email the Programme Coordinator ( ) and set up a time to have a chat.

University news

Massey University Japanese Speech Contest

The Massey University Japanese Speech Contest for Secondary School Students was held by the Japanese Programme of the School of Humanities on Friday 29 September on the Manawatu campus.

The event policy is not only to showcase great competitors but also to give opportunities to beginner level learners to give it a go. Nineteen local secondary school students competed with wonderful speeches and two Massey students who are currently studying 300-level Japanese came to support and encourage the young learners (they made awesome speech in Japanese as well!).

Over 50 people (secondary school students & teachers, Massey University students and staff, and parents) attended the event and all enjoyed listening to the high-quality speeches. The students used the opportunity effectively and we all saw a lot of potential for the future development of the Japanese language in New Zealand.

The judges were Dr Catherine Knight and Dr Yusuke Kuroda. The Japanese Programme of the School of Humanities truly appreciates the support from the Sasakawa Foundation, the Japan Foundation and Massey University.

Winners were:

  • Category 1 (Year 10): 1st equal Jazmine Silapan (St Peter’s College) and Kip Powell (Awatapu College)
  • Category 2 (Year 11): 1st: Ellie Kilty (Awatapu College)
  • Category 3 (Year 12 and 13): 1st equal: Zia Macdermid and Nhung Le (Awatapu College)
  • Open: Cassie Feasey (Awatapu College)

Prize giving for the 2017 JSANZ Tertiary Japanese Language Contest

2017 Teritiary Japanese Language Speech Contest winners.

Prize giving for the 2017 JSANZ Tertiary Japanese Language Contest at the University of Canterbury huge congratulations to Amanda Deacon (first place) and Jack Hayes (second place) in winning this competitive contest.

We hope that Amanda and Jack continue their Japanese learning journey with renewed motivation and enthusiasm. JSANZ would like to thank the College of Arts of the University of Canterbury, especially Pro-Vice-Chancellor Le Cocq and the Japanese programme for hosting this prize giving. 

Many thanks to the Sasakawa Fellowship Fund for Japanese Language Education and the Japan Foundation for their generous financial support and to Air New Zealand for offering a return airfare from New Zealand to Japan for Amanda.

University news

YouTube Video Launch

We have launched a JSANZ YouTube Channel!Watch and enjoy outstanding speeches of the JSANZ winners since 2014!You can see English subtitles for both this year’s winner Amanda Deacon’s speech and last year’s winner Nathaniel Carter’s.

Here is the link – JSANZ YouTube Channel or you can copy and paste the following URL:

University news

Asia New Zealand Foundation Postgraduate Research Grants

Please share this information and attached flyer with your students and wider academic network.

Each year the Foundation offers three grants of $5,000 to support postgraduate research into contemporary issues in the Asian region. The 2017 application period closes 31 May.

These grants are intended for new research that will promote debate and discussion on matters relating to Asia and New Zealand with implications for foreign and trade policy.

Possible themes include:

  • international relations, regional security, interfaith issues, security challenges, or regional environmental issues
  • trade policy issues in Asia; transnational economic integration (e.g. value chains and production networks); governance and regulation (e.g. SOEs, government procurement, labour and investment flows).

Applicants must be:

  • New Zealand citizens or permanent residents undertaking postgraduate research at any tertiary institution in New Zealand who need supplementary support for overseas fieldwork undertaken as part of their degree
  • Undertaking new research (i.e. not already duplicating work that is already done).

For more information, visit the Asia NZ site.


Tertiary Japanese Language Speech Contest 2017

Tertiary Japanese Language Speech Contest 2017

This is an online national contest presented by JSANZ for students studying Japanese in the participating tertiary institution throughout NZ.

Present a speech with a theme “Travel” to audience and film it. Upload the video clip to YouTube and enter the competition.

  • 1st prize: A return ticket to Tokyo
  • Speech Theme: Travel
  • Number of applicants: Maximum of two contestants from each institution

Applications open on 1 May, close on 1 July. Winners will be announced on 31 August.

Ask your lecturer for more information and guidelines.
See the 2016 winner’s speech video made by Nathaniel Carter from University of Auckland as an example. You can watch it with English subtitles.

Articles in the media

An article on JSANZ in the E-Cube magazine
Masayoshi Ogino talked about the activities of JSANZ, the book Creating New Synergies and current situation of the Japanese language education in New Zealand. Read the article.

An article on Japanese language education in New Zealand
An article by two members of JSANZ, Masayoshi Ogino and Junji Kawai has been published on the website of the Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language, where the role and activities of JSANZ are featured. Read the article.


‘Creating New Synergies’ book update

Creating New Synergies: Approaches of Tertiary Japanese Programmes in New Zealand 

Masayoshi Ogino presented Mr Mitsuru Murase (the Consul and Counsellor, Consular Office of Japan, Christchurch) with “Creating New Synergies: Approaches of Tertiary Japanese Programmes in New Zealand”. A review of the book by Dr Michiko Kaneyasu (University of Colorado Boulder) has also been published in the journal, Japanese Language and Literature (April, 2017).